Upcoming Events

WEBINAR: Creating a Resilient and Nimble Culture in the Midst of Uncertain Times

WEBINAR: Creating a Resilient and Nimble Culture in the Midst of Uncertain Times

WEBINAR | Complimentary Overview

How do you sustain a healthy culture when key connection points have vanished and may not return? How do you create positive change when volatility is high and complexity increases? When part of the workforce is working remotely and part of the workforce is working on-site there is increased risk for disengagement, silos and communication bypasses. This webinar reviews six strategies used by leaders across industries to create resilient and nimble organizational cultures. The focus will be on ideas and examples to stimulate your thinking and enhance your ability to engage your team on this important topic.


Wednesday, June 24, 2020
1:00 - 2:15 pm ET



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WEBINAR: Job Fit - The Key to Organizational Success

WEBINAR: Job Fit - The Key to Organizational Success

WEBINAR | Complimentary Overview

Making the wrong talent decision hurts. No one enjoys dealing with the fallout, especially when it puts their organization’s well-being in jeopardy. PXT Select™ gives your organization objective, reliable, and accurate data so you can:

  • Establish efficient hiring and succession processes

  • Avoid costly hiring mistakes

  • Improve employee satisfaction, performance, and retention

  • Assist managers with employee coaching and on boarding


Wednesday, June 17, 2020
10:30 - 11:15 am ET



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WEBINAR: Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict™

WEBINAR: Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict™

WEBINAR | Complimentary Overview

Does thinking about conflict make your stomach hurt?  Harness the power of conflict by transforming destructive behavior into productive responses. The Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Program focuses on:

  • Deepening understanding of self and others in conflict

  • Understanding and recognizing destructive behaviors

  • Exploring techniques to redirect destructive behaviors into more productive responses


Wednesday, June 10, 2020
10:30 - 11:15 am ET



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WEBINAR: Develop the EQ of Your Workforce with Agile EQ™

WEBINAR: Develop the EQ of Your Workforce with Agile EQ™

Failure to identify ours and others’ emotional impact creates unintended, negative consequences. Leaders from Venture International will guide those at the workshop in raising your EQ (Emotional Intelligence), which equips you to manage your emotions and improve team productivity and relationships. EQ has been cited as a greater predictor of success than IQ.

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ONLINE COURSE: Develop the EQ of Your Workforce with Agile EQ™

ONLINE COURSE: Develop the EQ of Your Workforce with Agile EQ™

Failure to identify ours and others’ emotional impact creates unintended, negative consequences. Leaders from Venture International will guide those at the workshop in raising your EQ (Emotional Intelligence), which equips you to manage your emotions and improve team productivity and relationships. EQ has been cited as a greater predictor of success than IQ.

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WEBINAR: Develop the EQ of Your Workforce with Agile EQ™

WEBINAR: Develop the EQ of Your Workforce with Agile EQ™

Failure to identify ours and others’ emotional impact creates unintended, negative consequences. Leaders from Venture International will guide those at the workshop in raising your EQ (Emotional Intelligence), which equips you to manage your emotions and improve team productivity and relationships. EQ has been cited as a greater predictor of success than IQ.

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ONLINE COURSE: Minimizing Drama While Working from Home Using Everything DiSC®

ONLINE COURSE: Minimizing Drama While Working from Home Using Everything DiSC®

ONLINE COURSE | $72 (includes DiSC® Workplace™ profile)


You may find that working from home has led you to be less patient. You are not alone! This Everything DiSC® Workplace™ training will enhance your self-awareness and your understanding of others and lead you toward productive and less emotional exchanges in your work relationships…and beyond!

If you've already taken an Everything DiSC® Workplace™ assessment, this could serve as a good refresher, or you could look specifically to the Agile EQ™ online course for a next step in your learning.

Added Value for Teams: Organizations who have three or more team members register for an online course (and complete a DiSC profile) will receive a personalized discussion guide to help the members engage the DiSC model after the event.


Friday, May 15, 2020
9:00 - 11:00 am ET


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Pre-Recorded Facilitations

Available Upon Request

Available Facilitations Include:

Everything DiSC Workplace

 Virtual Sessions

Available Upon Request

Topics Include:

Social Media in Crisis

Everything DiSC Products