VI Webinars
Minimizing Drama While Working from Home Using DiSC®
Tune in to this webinar to receive an overview of Everything DiSC® Workplace™ and its benefits during this stay at home order.
Develop the EQ of Your Workforce with Agile EQ™
Could your team use a boost in self-awareness, time-management or teamwork? Improving the EQ of each individual may be the answer to these frustrations. Tune in to this complimentary webinar to receive an overview of how Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ could improve your team!
Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict™
Does thinking about conflict make your stomach hurt? Harness the power of conflict by transforming destructive behavior into productive responses. The Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Program focuses on:
Deepening understanding of self and others in conflict
Understanding and recognizing destructive behaviors
Exploring techniques to redirect destructive behaviors into more productive responses
Job Fit: The Key to Organizational Success
Making the wrong talent decision hurts. No one enjoys dealing with the fallout, especially when it puts their organization’s well-being in jeopardy. PXT Select™ gives your organization objective, reliable, and accurate data so you can:
Establish efficient hiring and succession processes
Avoid costly hiring mistakes
Improve employee satisfaction, performance, and retention
Assist managers with employee coaching and on boarding